Friday, October 23, 2020

Casting Criteria

For as long as I can remember, the First Presidency of the Church has had a letter read in sacrament meeting prior to elections. It always stated the church’s neutral position toward particular candidates, while encouraging members to be actively involved in the political process.
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Sadly, when I first became an adult, I performed that duty rather ignorantly. I would enter the voting booth, recognize a name that I had seen on a sign somewhere, and fill in the little circle. I guess I never realized that the voting for government leaders was not quite the same as the popularity contests that took place in high school.

In discussions afterwards, I would hear about who other people voted for and I was surprised by the depth of the reasons they gave for supporting said candidate. I have to admit, I felt sheepish about the fact that I didn’t know any of the platforms prior to Election Day and vowed I would do better next time. Sometimes that once a year duty would still sneak up on me without any type of adequate preparation. Sometimes I would quickly interrogate my husband who he was voting for and why – just to see if I agreed with his logic and so I’d have a name in mind before entering the booth. It was easier than my having to research it out on my own and it eased my conscious a bit. 

Then one day, a friend mentioned that we would be answerable for the votes we cast in elections. I guess that stands to reason when you consider all our thoughts, words, and deeds will be before us on judgement day. 

I already believed the constitution was an inspired document… every bit as much as the Ten Commandments - and Heavenly Father raised up the founding fathers for the very purpose of framing that document and this nation. A free nation was required for the restoration of the church. 

But what I didn’t know was the degree of importance that was placed on preserving the principles outlined within that document. David O. McKay said,
“Next to being one in worshipping God, there is nothing in this world upon which this church should be more united than in upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States”. 
Later he added, “If members of the Melchizedek Priesthood allow the U.S. Constitution to be destroyed, they not only forfeit their rights to the Priesthood, but to a place in his highest degree of glory.”


Obviously, the Lord does not tolerate our looking lightly on the government he established nor on our responsibility to maintain it. Ezra Taft Benson said,
“As important as are all other principles of the gospel, it was the freedom issue which determined whether you received a body. To have been on the wrong side of the freedom issue during the war in heaven meant eternal damnation. 
How then can latter-day Saints expect to be on the wrong side in this life and escape eternal consequences? The war in heaven is raging on earth today. The issues are the same: ‘Shall men be compelled to do what others claim is for their best welfare’ or will they heed the counsel of the prophet and preserve their freedom?”
WOW! Can you imagine during the war in heaven not really paying attention to the platform outlined by the two leading candidates – Jehovah and Lucifer. And when election day came – we choose the one who we think is the most popular, 
    or the one who my neighbor supported. 
          or the one who had the most professional looking campaign or media support, 
               or the one who used the most flattering language, 
                    or the one that had the appearance of compassion for my well-being, 
                         or the one who looked the part of a Savior, 
I think the list of lame excuses for casting a vote are endless. That little image alone is enough to cause one to re-evaluate their criteria for casting a vote.  I agree it is very important to engage in our right to vote in this great nation..., however, the criteria for choosing the best candidate may need to be just as important. 

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Agency (Freedom), or whomever best supports the principles outlined in the Constitution, was the very measure for whom Father chose to carry out his leadership here. So I suppose that standard is good enough for me when determining whom I will vote for. 

I am looking forward to casting my vote in the elections this year. As is often the case, my preferred candidate is not without character flaws and may not execute his leadership completely to my liking. It is obvious He is not my Savior. But I am confident, of the candidates running and who have a chance of winning, he is the one that will uphold, protect, and preserve the principles of freedom that are provided through our God-given Constitution. And that is where my vote will go.