Thursday, May 13, 2021

We the People - Individually Organized for Freedom


Things seem to have mellowed down a bit politically, at least temporarily. The election is over and most feel that nothing will really happen about the injustices that occurred. Covid-19 policies seem to be finally loosening and life is beginning to feel a little more normal. I am even able to go to church and walk into a store without a mask (or maybe I should say that more people are also not wearing masks). . And even though the news is still filled with one absurdity after another, it doesn’t seem as personal as it once did. I know another tragedy is just around the corner, but for the moment there is a little season of rest.

So now what?

When we were in the thick of it, I was waiting for my marching orders. Listening intently to try to stay on top of what was happening. Searching my soul if I was to be a leader and when not feeling it, longing for the true leader to rise and organize the masses of freedom lovers behind the just cause. I’m still looking for effective ways to practice civil disobedience. Sadly, it never really came. At least not in any form that I was able to identify or felt called to engage.  And now I’m feeling a little let down to think that corruptness may have won yet again.

As I’m finishing up the details of this past school year and in the back of my mind, thinking what to repeat or what to do differently next year, I can’t help but wonder if what I’ve been looking for has been in front of me the entire time.

Of course, I already knew that the freedom doesn’t actually take place in D.C. That is simply a decoy from where the real power lies. The constant mudslinging, agenda and money driven votes, track record of lies (though done very professionally in appearance) and constant source of conflict and surrender -illustrates the lack of moral maturity of this nation's ‘leaders’. It’s like those spoofs that show children or babies having the responsibilities of adults. They simply don’t have developed moral maturity to govern themselves, let alone a free nation. And the idea of hoping that our ‘elected representatives’ will win the day through legislation indicates our immaturity as well as irresponsibility. No… Washington isn’t the battleground that will allow freedom win.  

The constitution begins with "We the People", not 'We the government of the people'. It is going to take all of "We the People" to win back our nation. Not everyone is a politician (thank goodness) or politically minded. However, everyone has a life's purpose or mission.  If each individual would look at their life's interests and their circle of influence and fight to preserve freedom within those specific areas, eventually it would make its way to back Washington. 

And since my love and focus is education, that is where my freedom fighting begins. For someone else, it could be through the arts or sciences or entertainment or business or economics or simply labor services, etc, etc, etc. In a sense, I feel the real battleground of freedom for everyone takes place in the classroom, or more accurately, it takes place in instilling the principles of freedom into the hearts and minds of our youth. After all, it is for them that I am anxious about the condition of this nation. And it is through them that our greatest hope of saving this nation begins.

Abraham Lincoln said,

That would be my generation, or close to it, that is leading this corrupt philosophy of a socialistic government. I don’t really recall my schooling experience to be all that bad. Yes, it was boring. It was mandated. We were all gamers as we played the grade game. But I don’t recall it inciting an insurrection against the constitution. It also did not penetrate a moral obligation on the student’s heart. Basically our schools have failed us - with the watered down version of civics and its secular and humanistic definition of morals. It has failed in teaching us our responsibility to preserve our freedom goes beyond one day a year in the voting booth. The 1% of the nation that was educated to embrace socialism by using the governmental system to bring about their desired change is making life miserable for the vast majority of Americans.

What we need is deeply passionate freedom lovers and freedom fighters to inspire the youth to value the constitution and to want desperately to understand the 20 powers the federal government is limited to use. To grasp the checks and balances that are on those powers so that when one branch or program usurps powers, the proper check is being implemented. To cherish the principles of freedom and its associated responsibilities. To look at what is going on in current events and be able to identify exactly where the discrepancy lies from what is expressly outlined in the constitution. We need youth to not only memorize the Declaration of Independence, but also have the ideals contained therein written in their hearts. We need to vote for representatives that do not compromise… ever, because compromise doesn’t silence the conflict, it only brings the next step of chipping away our foundational law and weaken our ability to preserve freedom.  

As we invest in a child, we build a stronger family, which builds a stronger community, which builds a stronger nation. 

The school room of the last generation is causing grief for the government of this generation. It is time to reverse that agenda by taking back our children's education and teach what will preserve the constitution. (However, I don't think we'll find that as an option in a government funded schooling system.)  It is time for the majority of my generation to be those freedom lovers that are actively teaching our youth for the next generation’s government.

It is time that 'We the People' use our individual passions to become unitedly organized to fight for freedom.