Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Principles of Teaching in Zion

I’m confused... Uncertain... Wavering...

I just spent an entire semester studying the Principles of Teaching and Assessment. Since the class was in a private school, based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I somewhat expected the class format to be a little different than it turned out to be. The term “principle” had me excited because it is synonymous with truth - little packets of ‘general truth’ or ‘foundational proof’ which other truths can be built upon (Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary). I was excited to identify the core of the matter and be clear what principles were established by the Lord in regard to teaching.

What I found was...

Insightful…oh yeah.
Professional…yes, sir.
Scientifically supported… theoretically (puns intended).
There was even scriptural support.

Though I’m not sure I gained what I had hoped to attain. In fact, as so often seems to happen in higher education, I feel my very foundation may have been a little shaken. Now I understand that the purpose of the class was to prepare teacher-candidates to be able to work in the public schools and therefore, it would require concepts such as common core standards, testing, professional responsibilities, and technology to be included in the content and of course it had to be backed up by scientific research.  The University had standards in which it had to follow and conform to as well as public schools. I have to admit the content and presentation was really quite eye-opening and I was able to receive invaluable resources. Frequently, I left the classroom completely convinced that what I heard was true – unfortunately, it was in direct contrast to what I believed prior to entering the classroom.

For over 20 years, I have home educated my children with the absolute assurance that many aspects of the public school were not only unnecessary but could be harmful to the spiritual as well as academic well-being of the child. Now that I’ve heard the arguments, background, and logical reasoning for many of those aspects, I am unsure exactly where I stand.  And that is a very uncomfortable place to be.

I decided to immerse myself in the scriptures (as our prophet counseled) and search myself for the principles established by Heavenly Father. Apparently, the Lord has never endorsed the current application of the separation of church and state. Besides, it is impossible to do so as I pointed out HERE - Indivisible Education.

The following is an outline of the scriptures I found put into categories. Of course, this is only a starting point and will require additional studying and pondering to get a firm grasp on the principle. 

Principles of Teaching

Status Warning -
*Teaching/Example is either least or greatest in Kingdom of heaven – [pending content] (Matt 5:19)
*Trust no man to be your teacher except he be a man of God (Mosiah 23:14)

A Teacher’s Purpose - 
*To teach all nations (Matt 28:19)
*To teach others of the Lord [although this duty is temporary] (Jeremiah 31:34)
*The Lord teaches us to profit (1 Nephi 20:17)
*[Supportive]: Parents are primary teachers (D&C 68:25) Teach their children to pray & walk upright (D&C 
68:28) They had been taught by their mothers (Alma 56:47)
*Teaching is a gift of the spirit (Moroni 10:9; D&C 88:118)

*First seek to obtain my word (D&C 11:21)
*Appointment to office (D&C 38:23, 88:122)
*If ye receive not the spirit, ye shall not teach (D&C 42:14)
*Treasure up the words of life & it shall be given you (D&C 84:85)

*Ordinances [Performances/rules] & laws [nature, government, commandments] (Ex 18:20) Duty (D&C 107:85)
*Statutes & judgments [Cultural rules & church policies] (Deut 4:5) Covenants (D&C 84:48) Traditions (2 Thes 2:15)
The learning of our fathers (1 Nephi 1:1) Keep the commandments (Mosiah 53:21)
*The doctrines of the Kingdom [the ‘WHY’] (D&C 88:77) Repentance (Moses 6:57) Ye ARE to teach of God
 (1 Thes 4:9)
*Principles of the gospel [the ‘WHAT’] (D&C 42:12)
*The word of God (Jacob 1:19) Scripture study (3 Nephi 23:14) Jesus’ teachings (Acts 1:1)
*The difference between holy & profane, discern between clean/unclean (Ezek 44:23) The good and the
right way, the way of wisdom (1 Sam 12:23,1 Kgs 8:36, Prov 4:11)
*Observe all things (Matt 28:20)
*Train up a child in the way he should go (Prov 22:6)
*Teach to pray (Luke 11:1) (2 Nephi 32:8)
*Sobriety (Titus 2:4)
*Do Good (2 Nephi 33:10)
*Walk in the ways of truth (Mosiah 4:15)
*Words of wisdom (D&C 88:118)
*Light & truth (D&C 93:42)

Curriculum -
Taught more perfectly in *theory [math], *in principle [truth], *in doctrine [purposes], *in the law of
the gospel [celestial law], *in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God [all things are 
spiritual], *in Heaven and *in the earth [Science], *things which have been  [History], *things which
are [Current events], *thing which must shortly come to pass [Prophecy], *things which are at home
[Local news], *things which are abroad [global new], *wars & perplexities [Social Studies],
*judgements, *countries & kingdoms [Geography] (D&C 88:78-79) *Read & Write [Language Arts] (Moses 6:23)

Do Not
*Teach for doctrines the commandments of men (Matt 15:9) Teach no other doctrine (1 Tim 1:3)World does not
want the teaching in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:18) Not which man’s wisdom teach, but what the Holy
Ghost teach (1 Cor 2:13)                  
*Teach for profit [to get gain] (Micah 3:11)      

Method -
* [Inspired from above] - I (God) will teach thee what thou shalt say (Ex. 4:12); It shall be given you what 
to speak (Matt 10:19) Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour (Luke 12:12)  As my father taught me (John 
8:28) Comforter shall teach you all things (14:26) Children are to be taught of the Lord (Isa 54:13, John 6:45) All
thy children shall be taught of the Lord (3 Nephi 22:13) Ye are to be taught from on high (D&C 43:16) That which
is taught them by the comforter (D&C 52:9) Shall teach them all things (D&C 75:10)
*Teach in Parables/Stories (Mark 4:2)
*Teach according to the perfect manner of the law  (Acts 22:3)
*Teach through symbol (Ex 13:14-18, Joshua 4:1-9)
*Teach & admonish each other in psalms (Col 3:16)
*Diligence (Deut 6:7) Cease not & teach diligently the things of the Lord (Acts 5:42; 18:25) Teach them the word 
of God with all diligence (Jacob 1:19) Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend thee (D&C 88:78) Daily in 
the Temple (Matt 26: 55) (Luke 19:47)

I haven’t even researched principles of ‘assessments’ yet but still…that’s a lot to digest. And having done this, I can begin to feel the energy shift back to what my sentiments were prior to attending this class. Although now I have added tools in my tool belt for effective teaching


It’s the old Greek versus Hebrew argument again. Greek is logical and familiar, compartmentalized and very orderly – Hebrew, however, is my ideal and resonates with my inner desires. The Greek’s elements of truth are in disguise as professional (moral) and humane (religion). Whereas the Hebrew openly gives credit to and guidance from God.

With the life-altering effect of this covid-19 pandemic, we have started looking at some of the prophecies regarding the last days a little closer during our morning devotional. There is some pretty powerful stuff. One of the prophecies by Orson Pratt in the Journal of Discourses references what Zion will look like as saints immigrate to Missouri.

                “We expect to build a great many hundred school-houses in that country…We do not calculate to neglect our children in regard to their education. We expect to build a great number of academies or the higher schools and besides a great many school-houses. We expect to erect universities for the still higher branches to be taught.” (JD 24:23)

I hope to be able to find more prophecies regarding education in the near future since that is my life’s passion.  I don't know if I'll ever work in the public school although if I am so fortunate to be around during the establishment of a Zion school..., sign me up.

1 comment:

  1. I have long been a defender of public schools. I have spent as many years teaching there as you have spent home educating your children. I spent many long days away from home preparing my school environment, lessons, visual aids, etc. That degree of investment must speak to my endorsement of that system. However, . .

    In the past two years (or so) I have been exposed to another system. A system where I can draw on the words of Christ to clarify a point, I can request assistance from the Holy Ghost to bring understanding to my lesson. At first, I was skeptical, wary, and even hesitant. The connections between religious studies and academics seem too far apart to support any type of bridge or link between the two. Attempts to bind them felt contrived and weak. My experience is proving the opposite to be true. As I become more and more willing to include the Truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ in my teaching, I witness a richer flow of ideas for lesson presentation, the connections between theory and practice are stronger, and the relationships of teacher and student are much more fluid and interchangeable.

    Whatever you learned in your class (which is likely the same stuff I have been studying for 20 years), certainly takes a back seat to what I have learned from my brief exposure to the kind of home education that allows Truth to flow through all teaching. Using the words of the prophets both ancient and modern as source material adds enough to the lesson to make this die hard, traditional, public school teacher ready to change her stripes.
